生效日: 2024年05月18日,版本: v1.1.0
Effective Date: May 18, 2024, Version: v1.1.0
The data office’s privacy data protection is based on minimizing data collection and de-identification, in order to protect personal privacy in executing various tasks. The goal of personal data protection by the data office is to "respect personal privacy, legally process and utilize data; strengthen privacy protection, and ensure the advancement of academic research." We aim to establish a secure environment for the collection, processing, and use of personal data in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, achieving the personal data protection objectives set by the office. Our personal data protection policy includes:
1. 對個人資料之蒐集、處理與利用,不逾越特定目的及業務必要範圍,並依法履行告知義務。
The collection, processing, and use of personal data shall not exceed the specified purposes and necessary scope of business, and we will fulfill the legal obligation of notification.
2. 提供當事人明確訊息,其個人資料之蒐集、利用與處理的範圍和期限。
Providing clear information to the subject regarding the scope and duration of the collection, use, and processing of their personal data.
3. 僅處理相關且適當的個人資料。
Only processing relevant and appropriate personal data.
4. 盤點個人資料以建立清冊,並指定專責人員依規定保管。
Taking inventory of personal data to establish a registry and appointing responsible personnel to manage it according to regulations.
5. 維護個人資料之正確性,並於必要時更正或補充。
Maintaining the accuracy of personal data and correcting or supplementing it when necessary.
6. 確保當事人依法對其個人資料所得行使之權利。
Ensuring that the data subject can exercise their rights regarding their personal data as stipulated by law.
7. 強化個人資料、人員、設備管理及資通安全防護,以確保個人資料之安全。
Strengthening the management of personal data, personnel, equipment, and information security to ensure the safety of personal data.
8. 施行個人資料保護管理制度,強化個人資料之保護。
Implementing personal data protection management systems to enhance personal data protection.
9. 委託他人蒐集、處理、利用及傳輸個人資料時,對受託單位為適當之監督。
Supervising the entrusted unit appropriately when delegating others to collect, process, use, or transfer personal data.
10. 於個人資料保護法所允許例外情形之個資應用,確保其適當性與合法性。
Ensuring the appropriateness and legality of personal data use in exceptional cases allowed by the Personal Data Protection Act.
Website Privacy Policy
Thank you for browsing and using the "Taipei Medical University Data Office" (hereinafter referred to as "this website"). The Taipei Medical University Data Office (hereinafter referred to as "the Data Office") respects and legally protects users' personal data and privacy. To help you understand how this website collects, processes, uses, and protects your personal data, we have formulated this privacy protection statement. Please carefully read the privacy statement before using the services of this website. When you use this website's services, it means you have read and agreed to the privacy statement.
Scope of the Privacy Statement
The following privacy statement applies to the collection, use, and protection of personal data involved when you use this website and its services. However, it does not apply to websites linked to this website.
All websites linked through this website have their own privacy protection policies or declarations, and this website is not responsible for them. When you link to these websites, personal data protection is governed by their respective privacy policies or statements.
Types of personal data collected, purpose of collection, and method of use: When simply browsing or downloading files from this website, no personal identification data is collected.
當您於利用本網站所提供的服務信箱、註冊成為電子報訂閱會員等服務時,本網站會依案件辦理需求請您提供姓名、身份證字號、聯絡電話、電子郵件地址(e-mail)、通訊地址及戶籍地址等個人資料。您提供的個人資料,僅作為本數據處執行法定職務或處理您個人服務請求使用。凡未經您主動提供之個人資料,例如使用者機器的 IP 位址、上網時間及在網站內所瀏覽及點選的紀錄等資料,僅提供本網站之網站管理單位作為網站流量及網路行為調查的總量分析。其目的是運用於評估及提升本網站的服務品質。
When using services provided by this website, such as the service mailbox or registering for a newsletter subscription, the website may request personal information such as your name, ID number, contact number, email address, mailing address, and residence address as required for processing. The personal data you provide is used solely for the Data Office to perform statutory duties or process your service requests. Personal data not actively provided by you, such as your device's IP address, access times, and records of browsing and clicking within the website, are only used by the website's management unit for aggregate analysis of website traffic and user behavior. The purpose of this analysis is to assess and improve the quality of services provided by the website.
Clinical Data De-identification Process
To enhance the depth and breadth of data and improve data services, the Data Office integrates data resources, including affiliated hospital clinical databases, National Health Insurance databases, biobanks, and academic research databases. Since 2015, Taipei Medical University has integrated electronic medical records from its three affiliated hospitals (Taipei Medical University Hospital, Wanfang Hospital, and Shuang Ho Hospital) to establish the Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD). This database consolidates various electronic medical record data from 3,000 hospital beds, including structured data (such as patient demographics, cause of death, medical history, cancer registry, vital signs, pain scales, test results, bacterial culture reports, diagnoses, treatments, surgeries, discharge summaries, medication records, chronic disease prescriptions, medical devices, and inpatient nutritional assessments) and unstructured data (such as physician notes, pathology reports, examination and radiology reports), which are pre-processed and validated for research analysis. The TMUCRD dataset covers the period from 1998 to 2022. Since 2008, with the addition of Shuang Ho Hospital to the TMU system, the database has included comprehensive data from three hospitals, comprising 12 categories, 71 data tables, and 2,611 fields, with the ability to link between tables. By the end of 2022, the database had accumulated medical information on approximately 4.3 million patients across Taiwan.
臺北醫學大學數據處臨床數據中心整合一校三院(北醫附醫、萬芳醫院、雙和醫院)各類臨床相關真實世界資料(real-world data),且串聯政府開放資料(open data),以建立資料整合治理、科學視覺化洞察,並提供雲端化、多元化整合的大數據生態、數據處理、推廣與協作等服務。使本校及附屬醫院之人員可善用臨床、申報、登錄等資料進行研究,作為臨床試驗的參考依據,並配合當代精準醫療趨勢,強化與國內外生醫產業合作研究,最終提升臺灣醫療品質並促進醫療產業提升。
The Clinical Data Center of the Taipei Medical University Data Office integrates various clinical real-world data from one university and three hospitals (TMU Hospital, Wanfang Hospital, and Shuang Ho Hospital) and links them with government open data to establish data governance, scientific visual insights, and provide cloud-based, diversified, big data ecosystems, data processing, promotion, and collaboration services. This enables TMU and its affiliated hospital staff to leverage clinical, reporting, and registration data for research, serving as a reference for clinical trials. In line with contemporary precision medicine trends, the center strengthens collaborations with domestic and international biomedical industries, ultimately improving the quality of healthcare in Taiwan and promoting advancements in the medical industry.
本數據處為落實隱私保護與遵循ISO國際標準規範,於2024年導入個資去識別化過程管理系統(personal information deidentification process management system, PIDIPMS)。期藉由去識別化過程以個資整體生命週期為保護基礎,評估資料利用之風險,包括隱私權政策、隱私風險管理、隱私保護原則、去識別化過程、重新識別評鑑等標準作業程序,確保從臨床數據中個人身分訊息被安全處理。將採取一系列技術和流程,無從辨識該特定之個人,以保護病患隱私。這包括但不限於去識別化、差分隱私、概化、揭露限制方法、權限控制和監控等措施。同時,將嚴格遵守相關法律規範,確保對數據的合法使用和保護。
To implement privacy protection and comply with ISO international standards, in 2024, the Data Office will introduce the Personal Information De-Identification Process Management System (PIDIPMS). This de-identification process aims to protect personal data across its entire life cycle by assessing data usage risks, including privacy policies, privacy risk management, privacy protection principles, the de-identification process, re-identification evaluations, and other standard operating procedures, ensuring that personal information in clinical data is securely handled. A series of technologies and procedures will be employed to ensure that specific individuals cannot be identified, thereby protecting patient privacy. This includes, but is not limited to, de-identification, differential privacy, generalization, disclosure limitation methods, access control, and monitoring measures. Additionally, strict compliance with relevant legal regulations will be maintained to ensure the lawful use and protection of data.
Protection of Personal Data
All personal data collected by this website is processed with encryption or protective mechanisms. This ensures that the data transmission process cannot be illegally intercepted by third parties.
Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Data
The Data Office is obligated to protect your personal data and privacy. Without your consent, we will not provide your personal data, in whole or in part, to any other group, individual, or private company. However, exceptions are as follows:
1. 中華民國司法檢調單位透過合法程序進行調閱。
The Republic of China judiciary or investigation units request of data through legal procedures.
2. 配合相關職權機關依職務需要之調查或使用。
Assisting relevant authorities with investigations or duties as required.
3. 基於善意相信揭露為法律需要。
In good faith belief that disclosure is necessary by law.
4. 基於主動衍生政府網站服務效益之考量。
For the purpose of proactively enhancing the benefits of government website services.
5. 保護本網站其他使用者之合法使用權益。
To protect the legitimate usage rights of other users of this website.
Duration and Area of Personal Data Use
This website only uses your personal data within the territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The personal data you enter on this website will be permanently retained for the purposes outlined above.
How to Exercise Your Personal Data Rights
After using this website and its services, you may contact the Data Office through the "Privacy Protection Consultation" channel provided in this privacy statement to request access, correction, or supplementation of your personal data. In the following situations, this website will stop collecting, processing, or using your personal data instead of deleting it:
1. 有法令規定。
When required by law.
2. 有契約約定之保存期限。
When there is a contractual retention period.
3. 有理由說明刪除時將侵害當事人保護利益。
When deletion would harm the interests of the data subject, as reasonably explained.
Privacy Protection Consultation
If you have any questions about this website's privacy protection statement or exercising your personal data rights, please contact the Data Office through the service mailbox provided on this website, and the Data Office will respond according to relevant laws and regulations.
臺北醫學大學臨床研究資料庫Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD)
Tel: (02)6620-2589 #10405~7
Email: odscdc@tmu.edu.tw