• A. Health Data Value-adding and Statistics Center:Notice for Statistical Consulting Services
    1. We provide statistical consultation, including research design, statistical methods and data visualization. Please note that software instruction and editing of graphics or layout are not included.
    2. Please consult your instructor or supervising professor instead if your question is pertaining to your class assignment, required reading and seminar material, inclusive and not limited to journal articles, books and newspapers.
    3. Please fill up the form in detail and be specific in your research topic, inquiry type and question. We will contact you via email within 5-7 working days after we have received and reviewed your request.
    4. Consultation services will be conducted primarily via email and/or Google Meet. If a Google Meet session is scheduled, do be punctual as future consultations will be withheld if you failed to turn up on time.
  • B. Clinical Data Center
    1. How may I apply for access to the Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD)?
    ​      2.Who may apply for access to TMUCRD?
    (1).Full-time staff of TMU and its affiliated hospitals.
    (2).Other applicants are subjected to review by the Review Committee.
         3.I am unable to access the Disease BI and TMUCRD operator manual. A 404 error is shown instead.
    Please log in with your TMU account. If you are a TMU affiliated hospital user, please request access to the dBI, Education and training section and TMUCRD catalog. Alternatively, you may email us for assistance.
          4.I am a student; may I apply for access to the TMUCRD?
    No, applicants have to be full-time staff of TMU and its affiliated hospitals. You may approach your supervising professor for assistance if you require access to the TMUCRD.

  • C. Bioinformatics Center:Notice for using IPA
    1. Please click on the “IPA” icon on the desktop to use it.
    2. Please do not upload files that are larger than 1GB in size. If you require special assistance, please contact the Bioinformatics Center beforehand.
    3. IPA has strict output restrictions, therefore please avoid downloading and exporting charts continuously, as it may result in the IPA account being locked without warning.
    4. Please do not check the option “also clear any remembered password” when exiting the program, so as to maintain the rights of other users.
    5. TMU’s IPA account is a shared account for all staff. Please delete all your personal files, including uploaded data and output files, from the computer after using the IPA.
    6. If you have any further question, please contact Bioinformatics Center 02-6620-2589 ext.10411~10413 or email us at bioinfo@tmu.edu.tw.


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