
臺北醫學大學臨床研究資料庫Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD)


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Nguyen, P. A., Hsu, M. H., Chang, T. H., Yang, H. C., Huang, C. W., Liao, C. T., Lu, C. Y., & Hsu, J. C. (2024). Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database: A collaborative hospital EHR database aligned with international common data standards. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 31(1), e100890. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjhci-2023-100890




Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD)
Since 2015, Taipei Medical University had been curating electronic medical records of three affiliated hospitals (Taipei Medical University Hospital, Wanfang Hospital, and Shuang Ho Hospital) to build the Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD). It was combined with three thousand beds' electronic medical records, including structured data (such as patient's basic information, cause of death, medical information, cancer registry, TPR, pain score, laboratory test result, bacterial culture, diagnosis, treatment procedure, surgery, discharge summary, medication status, prescription refill for chronic conditions, medical device, and inpatient nutritional assessments) and unstructured data (such as physicians note, pathology report, image examination, and radiology report), preprocessed and validated them into analyzable research data. The data period covered by TMUCRD was from 1998 to 2023. Since Shuang Ho Hospital joined the TMU System in 2008, the scope of the database has been included in the complete data of the three hospitals. The data content had 12 categories, 71 tables, and 2,611 columns. In addition, the various data tables can be mutually linked. As of 2023, the database has accumulated the medical information of nearly 4.4 million patients across Taiwan.

致謝詞範例 Acknowledgment

※Example 1.
The authors acknowledge the (statistical / computational / technical) support of the Clinical Data Center, Office of Data Science, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan.

※Example 2.
We thank the staff of the Clinical Data Center, Office of Data Science, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, for … (e.g. statistical consultation and figure editing, study design and monitoring, analysis and interpretation of data, technical support).

中英文對照與縮寫 Glossary & Abbreviations

臺北醫學大學臨床研究資料庫 Taipei Medical University Clinical Research Database (TMUCRD)
數據處 Office of Data Science
臨床數據中心 Clinical Data Center
研究資料庫獨立作業區 TMU Data Clean Room



研究成果 Publications



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