隨著人類基因組計畫(human genome project)成功解密了基因序列,全基因體關聯性分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS)打開了一扇通往研究複雜性疾病的大門,找到許多未曾發現的基因或染色體區域,提供複雜性疾病相關致病機制的線索。近年來,研究者認為單一基因多形性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)影響有限,不足以用來評估個體對某一個複雜性疾病的風險,因此便發展出多基因風險分數(polygenic risk score, PRS)指標,期望此遺傳數據可應用於預測疾病風險,具有潛在臨床效用。
臺北醫學大學神經醫學博士學位學程 謝宜蓁 教授
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鄭哲宇 副統計分析師
資料來源 |
資料內容 |
Our World in Data
Emissions of air pollutants_Nitrogen oxide (NOx) |
Emissions of air pollutants_Sulphur dioxide (SO2) |
Emissions of air pollutants_Carbon monoxide (CO) |
Emissions of air pollutants_Organic carbon (OC) |
Emissions of air pollutants_NMVOCs |
Emissions of air pollutants_Black carbon (BC) |
Emissions of air pollutants_Ammonia (NH₃) |
Reported cases of guinea worm disease, 1989 |
Reported cases of guinea worm disease, 1986 to 2021 |
Progress towards guinea worm disease eradication, 2021 |
CiPA ECG Validation Study |
Post-Ictal Heart Rate Oscillations in Partial Epilepsy |
CAST RR Interval Sub-Study Database |
Recordings excluded from the NSR DB |